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Prostate Cancer Treatment in India | IndiCure

Prostate Cancer Treatment Cost in India

Prostate Cancer Treatment Cost in India depends on the type of treatment required, your medical condition, hospital and the city where you choose to get the treatment done.

Typical Costs for Prostate Cancer Treatment in India looks like:

Procedure Cost (Range in US $)
Investigations 500-1000
Chemotherapy 500-2,000 per cycle
Radiotherapy 3,500-5,500
Cyberknife 6,000-8,000
Prostate Surgery
    - Open Radical Prostatectomy 3,500
    - Laparoscopic Prostatectomy 4,500
    - Robotic Radical Prostatectomy 6,500
HIFU 4,000-6,000

Factors that affect Prostate Cancer Treatment Cost in India:

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Your case manager shall give you an estimated cost of your surgery after discussing your medical reports with the surgeon. The final cost, however, shall be confirmed after your consultation with the surgeon.

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Best Oncologists in India

Dr. Bhawna Sirohi
Dr. Bhawna Sirohi


25+ Years of Experience

Dr. Bhawna Sirohi is a renowned Medical Oncologist with more than 25 years of experience. She is a well-known senior consultant who specializes in treating Breast Oncology and Gastrointestinal Cancers all over the world.

Dr. K S Gopinath
Dr. K S Gopinath

MBBS, MS, Honorary FRCS and FAMS

45+ Years of Experience

Dr. Gopinath specializes in breast, head and neck, and cervical cancer surgeries. His research includes head and neck surgery, laparoscopic vs. conventional approaches, rectal cancer, and yoga's impact on cancer.

Dr. Prof Suresh H. Advani
Dr. Prof Suresh H. Advani

MBBS, MD, Fellowship

43+ Years of Experience

Dr. Suresh H. Advani is an expert physician, pediatrician, and hemato-oncologist. He has received India's highest civilian accolades, the Padma Bhushan Award in 2012 and the Padma Shri Award in 2002, from the Indian government.

Best Cancer Hospitals in India

Apollo Proton Cancer Centre Chennai
Apollo Proton Cancer Centre


The Apollo Proton Cancer Centre (APCC) is South Asia's and the Middle East's first and only proton therapy centre, as well as India's first JCI-accredited cancer hospital. The APCC includes a completely integrated treatment suite that provides the most advanced surgical, radiation, and medical procedures available. The Centre brings together a remarkable team of clinicians renowned globally in cancer care, in keeping with the Apollo Pillars of Expertise and Excellence.

HCG Hospital Bangalore
HCG Hospital


HCG- HealthCare Global Enterprises Ltd, is the specialized chain of hospitals in cancer care headquartered in Bangalore. Founded by Dr. Ajaikumar, a renowned medical and radiation oncologist with 40 years of experience, HCG has 26 centres across India with its largest facility in Bangalore.
HCG Hospital Bangalore is not only the most advanced facility for cancer care in India, it is a Centre of Excellence for most advanced cancer care and research.

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Prostate Cancer Treatment

Prostate is the tiny walnut shaped and sized gland present in males in between the bladder and genital organs. The main function of the prostate is to produce seminal fluids which protect and nurture the sperms and help in transporting the sperms during ejaculation.

Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer affecting men but mortality is less as it can be treated completely with the help of multiple treatment options like surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

The prostate cancer typically advances slowly and primarily remains restrained to the prostate gland and thus requires minimal treatment. However, some prostate cancers may need quick attention and aggressive treatment for complete cure.

Early detected prostate cancer that is confined to the glad itself has good chances of complete cure. Prostate cancer may not show any signs and symptoms when it is at its early stage but more advanced cancer may cause symptoms like Blood stained semen, discomfort and pain in pelvic region, difficulty in micturition, bone pain, erectile dysfunction etc.

It is thus important at this point to seek the doctor's advice and get the lab test done which shall aid to know the stage of prostate cancer to determine the appropriate treatment accordingly. The stages of prostate cancer are:

  1. Stage I: Cancer is confined to a small area of prostate gland and cells are not at all aggressive.
  2. Stage II: Cancer is small but the cancer cells may reflect as aggressive or the cancer is large and may have grown enough that it involves prostate glands on both the sides.
  3. Stage III: Cancer has advanced outside the prostate and affected seminal vesicles and adjacent tissues.
  4. Stage IV: Cancer has advanced to plague nearby organs including urinary bladder, bones, lymph nodes, lungs or other tissues and organs.

What Causes Prostate Cancer?

The exact cause of prostate cancer is still unknown but there are certain risk factors that are identified to cause prostate cancer. These include:

  1. Age: The risk of getting prostate cancer increases with the advancing age.
  2. Race: It has been found that black men are at higher risk of getting prostate cancer than men of other color or race.
  3. Obesity: Obese patients usually develop more advance cancer that becomes difficult to treat.
  4. Family history: People may be at higher risk if they have a family history of prostate cancer or breast cancer.

Prostate Cancer Treatment Options

Prostate cancer can be treated with the following options which depend on the size and site of the cancer, stage of the cancer and extent to which the disease has spread.

  • Radiation Therapy:

    It comprises of high intensity energy to destroy the cancerous cells and is delivered in 2 ways;

    • External beam radiation therapy:

      Radiation from outside the body is focused on the prostate gland using high powered energy beams like protons or X-ray.

    • Brachytherapy:

      Radiation is delivered from inside the body. It involves placement of radioactive seeds which are rice-sized that emit a low dose of radiation for a long period. The seeds are implanted in the prostate using ultrasound guided needles.

  • Hormone therapy:

    The cancer cells of the prostate are dependent on the male hormone testosterone for their growth. Thus, hormone therapy aims at inhibiting the production of testosterone that may stop the growth of the cells or may cause them to die. This therapy includes;

    • LH-RH (luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone)

      agonists to stop the production of testosterone. The medicines include goserelin, leuprolide, histrelin and triptorelin.

    • Anti-androgens block

      the testosterone to reach the cancer cells. These include flutamide, bicalutamide and nilutamide.

  • Chemotherapy:

    It is used to destroy the fast growing cells by using injectable drugs. It is the treatment of choice for the men whose cancer has advanced to other areas of the body or for the men who have not responded well to the hormone therapy.

  • Biological therapy:

    Also known as immunotherapy in which your own body's immune system is made to fight the cancer. In this way some of your immune cells are taken and genetically modified in the lab and are injected back into your body to fight the cancer cells.

  • Surgery:

    The surgery to treat prostate cancer is to remove the prostate gland and is known as Radical prostatectomy. Radical prostatectomy is the surgery done to remove the entire prostate and any nearby tissues i.e seminal vesicles and some nearby lymph nodes that may contain cancer. It is the surgery of choice in men whose cancer is limited to the prostate. Following are the different approaches of the prostatectomy;

    • Laparoscopic prostatectomy:

      This is a minimally invasive method in which the prostate is removed through small incisions in the abdomen with the help of laparoscope.

    • Robot assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy:

      The surgical instruments are attached to the robot (mechanical device),and the surgeon uses the controls to direct the device to move the instruments. This surgery is gaining immense popularity as it is a more precise, less traumatic and minimally invasive procedure. The most popular robotic prostatectomy includes the da Vinci surgical systems which aids to provide dexterity, precision and advanced visualization compared to open and laparoscopic surgery. Using da vinci robotic prostatectomy the surgery can be done through small incisions of 1-2 cm.

    • Nerve sparing prostatectomy:

      It is performed when the cancer is entwined with the nerves to maintain the normal function and structure of the nerve.

    • Radical prostatectomy with retro pubic approach:

      Traditional open surgery to remove the prostate gland. The prostate is removed through an incision on the lower abdomen.

    • Radical prostatectomy with perineal approach:

      Prostate is reached through an incision between the anus and scrotum.

When is Prostate Cancer Treatment needed?

Men younger than age 75 with limited prostate cancer who are expected to live at least 10 more years tend to get the most benefit from radical prostatectomy.

The ideal candidates for prostate cancer surgery are those whose cancer is limited only to the prostate, less than 75 years of age and are otherwise in good health.

Questions to Ask

We at IndiCure completely understand your concerns and it is always our endeavor to provide the best outcome for every patient. Following is the list of questions you must ask before you embark on your journey for prostate cancer treatment in India.

  • Is it time for prostate cancer surgery?
  • Is the oncologist board certified?
  • How experienced is the surgeon?
  • Which language does the surgeon speak?
  • Is the treatment done in a well-equipped facility?
  • What cancer treatment option is recommended for me?
  • What about the risks involved?
  • Does the surgeon use a certified anesthetist?
  • How long will the recovery period be?

Preparation for the Surgery

Prepare to answer questions about your:

  • Medical history and exams
  • Previous surgeries
  • Current medication review
  • History of smoking, drugs, or alcohol
Prostate Cancer Question to Ask

How is Prostate Cancer Surgery done?

The Laparoscopic or robotic assisted or the da Vinci robotic prostatectomy in the minimally invasive procedure that provides with the best results in regards of less pain, less scarring and better outcomes after the surgery. The only difference between the laparoscopic and robotic assisted prostatectomy is that the first one is performed at hands of the surgeon using a laparoscope whereas the other one is done by the robot which is controlled and manipulated by the controls being operated by the surgeon.

Step 1

The surgery is performed under general or local anesthesia depending on the choice of surgeon.

Step 2

During the surgery 5-6 small keyholes of 1 cm size are made on the mid abdomen and a telescopic lens is put inside that provides the magnified view of the structures like nerves, blood vessels, muscles adjacent to the prostate, thus optimizing the preservation of these structures.

Step 3

Using the miniaturized robotic instruments which are inserted through these keyholes, the prostate gland is cut away from the bladder and removed through one of the key holes.

This surgery has an advantage of less blood loss than the traditional one. The surgery usually takes 2-4 hours to complete.

What Results can I Expect from Prostate Cancer Surgery?

Results of radical prostatectomy are quite good if the cancer is limited to the prostate. The aim of prostate removal surgery is to cure prostate cancer. Men whose prostate cancer has not spread to other areas have an 85% chance of surviving 10 years after radical prostatectomy.

However, if cancer has spread to the other parts, further treatment like radiation therapy would be required to cure cancer. One should do the regular medical check-ups to make sure that the cancer does not come back.

What is the Recovery after Prostate Cancer Surgery like?

The patient would need to stay at the hospital for 3-4 days after radical prostatectomy. A urinary catheter is inserted which needs to be there for a few days after the surgery. One would feel pain and discomfort which would be controlled with medications.

The patient can resume routine activities in about two weeks after the surgery. Strenuous activities, sexual activities need to wait for 8-10 weeks and may take months to return to its maximum level.

It is necessary to have a regular follow up after radical prostatectomy to make sure that cancer does not come back.

Frequently Asked Questions

The prostate gland is part of the male reproductive system. During ejaculation, the gland produces fluid that combines with semen. This fluid protects and maintains the health of sperm in preparation for fertilization aiding in pregnancy.

The prostate gland is located in front of the rectum, beneath a man's bladder. The urethra flows through the prostate gland's core. This tube transports urine and sperm from the penis to the outside of the body. Behind the prostate gland are the seminal vesicles that produce sperm.

Prostate cancer is the second most frequent cancer in men, after skin cancer. Every year, about 200,000 men in the United States are diagnosed with prostate cancer. There are numerous effective treatments available, and some men do not require treatment at all. Every year, some 33,000 men die as a result of the condition.

Prostate cancer in its early stages rarely causes symptoms. As the condition advances, these issues may arise:

  • Urge to urinate- more frequently and urgently, especially at night
  • Urine flow that is weak or intermittent or causes burning sensation
  • Erectile dysfunction and painful ejaculation (ED)
  • Blood in the sperm or urine (hematospermia)
  • Pain in the lower back, hips, and chest
  • Numbness in the legs or feet

Men over the age of 55 are at a higher risk of developing the condition. As you become older, your chances of acquiring prostate cancer grow. In fact, males over the age of 65 account for 60% of prostate cancer cases. Other factors that increase the risk of prostate cancer are:

  • Race and ethnicity (black men have the highest risk)
  • Prostate cancer that runs in the family
  • Obesity
  • Smoking

Prostate cancer strikes the majority of men as they grow older for no apparent reason. There is no way to avoid it. If you have certain prostate cancer risk factors, however, doing the following activities can help you reduce your risk and diagnose the disease early:

  • Prostate screenings should be done on a frequent basis.
  • Maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI).
  • Exercise on a regular basis.
  • Consume a well-balanced diet.
  • Stop smoking.

Adenocarcinomas are the most common type of prostate cancer (malignant tumors). This type of cancer begins in the cells that produce secretions in glands. Other cancers can occur in the prostate, but they are uncommon. These are some of them:

  • Small cell carcinomas are cancers that develop in the cells of the skin.
  • Transitional cell carcinomas are cancers of the transitional cells.
  • Tumors of the neuroendocrine system.
  • Sarcomas.

Nobody knows why certain cells in the prostate gland get cancerous (malignant). Genetics appears to be a factor. Consider the following scenario:

  • If your father, brother, or son has prostate cancer, you're two to three times more likely to have it.
  • A limited fraction of prostate cancers are caused by inherited mutated (changed) breast cancer genes (BRCA1 and BRCA2) and other gene alterations.

Prostate cancer screenings are the most efficient technique to detect the disease early. If your cancer risk is average, your first prostate screening will most likely be at the age of 55. If you have a family history of the disease or are Black, your healthcare professional may begin testing sooner.

Prostate cancer screening tests include:

Rectal Examination: Your doctor may use a gloved, lubricated finger to feel the prostate gland during a rectal exam. Bumps or hard spots could be signs of cancer.

PSA blood test: The prostate gland produces a protein known as protein-specific antigen (PSA). PSA levels that are too high could be a sign of malignancy, though that is not a confirmatory test. PSA levels also rise if you have BPH or prostatitis.

Biopsy: The only definite approach to identify prostate cancer is to take a needle biopsy and look for cancer cells in the tissue. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology offers detailed images of the prostate during an MRI-guided prostate biopsy.

Not all prostate growths are malignant, and not all prostate symptoms are indicative of cancer. Other medical problems that give similar indications as prostate cancer are:

BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia): Almost every man will experience benign prostatic hyperplasia at some point in his life (BPH). This disorder causes the prostate gland to enlarge, but it does not increase the risk of cancer. The urethra is squeezed by the enlarged gland, which prevents the flow of sperm and urine. Medications and, in some cases, surgery can be beneficial.

Prostatitis, or inflammation and swelling of the prostate gland, is more common in men under 50. Bacterial infections are frequently to blame. Antibiotics and other drugs are used as treatments.

Because prostate cancer is a slow-growing cancer, most men die of causes other than the disease. The importance of early detection in achieving better results cannot be overstated. Almost all men diagnosed with localized cancer that hasn't spread outside of the prostate live for at least five years after diagnosis (about 97 percent to 98 percent). One-third of men who have metastatic cancer that has spread outside of the gland live for five years.

The bladder, erectile nerves, and the sphincter muscle that controls urine can be affected by some prostate cancer treatments. Among the issues that could arise are:

Urinary incontinence: few men face this problem after the treatment. When you cough or laugh, you may leak urine, or you may feel compelled to use the restroom even if your bladder isn't full. This usually improves within a few months even without the treatment.

Erectile dysfunction (ED): Surgery, radiation, and other therapies can harm the erectile nerves, making it difficult to get or keep an erection. Within a year or two, some men restore erectile function (sometimes sooner). Meanwhile, drugs that increase blood flow to the penis, such as sildenafil (Viagra®) or tadalafil (Cialis), can aid.

Male infertility: can be caused by treatments that impact your ability to create or ejaculate sperm. You can store sperm in a sperm bank before starting treatments if you think you might desire children in the future.

Patient Testimonials

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    The operation has been a complete success. I am so happy with the results. The friendliness from everyone from consultant to ancillary workers was amazing.

    Thank you,

    Ms. Beth Brown,United Kingdom

    Procedure: Bilateral knee joint replacement

  • My Knee joint replacement surgery in India has given me a second chance to live life independently and on my own terms. I had become completely dependent and bed ridden because of the extreme pain and found it even difficult to go to the wash room.

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    Mr. Ansari Sheikh,Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

    Procedure: Knee joint replacement surgery

  • I am extremely delighted with the services provided by IndiCure. They have arranged everything so meticulously and have been there to guide and help me at each step.

    Thanks IndiCure.

    Ms. Nellia Ismail,Dubai

    Procedure: ACL Repair surgery

  • I am so thankful to IndiCure and their associate clinic for giving me my healthy life back. I had such bad back pain and pain in the left leg which had made my life miserable. My business was getting hampered; my life was so disturbed because of this pain all the time.

    Thanks to IndiCure and the entire staff, they are very professional and at the same time caring in their approach. I am completely satisfied with the results of my spine surgery in India.

    Mr Pacific Muchira,From: Kenya

    Procedure: Lumbar spondylosis (L4-L5) with pain to radiating to left leg

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